- Job title
- Job function
- Company
- Industry
- The currency your account is billed in
- The billing address of your account
- Whether your have a post-pay threshold account, a prepay account, or monthly invoice account
- The payment date
- Create a conversion goal
- Generate a universal event tracking tag
- Apply a remarketing audience
- Add conversions to its campaign reports
- They can then trigger an ad from any ad group.
- They share the same ad or ads.
- So that those keywords appear in every ad.
- So you can bid the same amount for every keyword.
- Maximum conversions
- Target cost-per action
- Target impression share
- Target return on advertising spend
- Keyword Planner
- Google Import
- Campaign Settings
- Microsoft Merchant Center
- They specify an exact location.
- Matched queries are likely to be from customers interested in any coffee shop chain.
- They target a broad pool of shoppers.
- Brand keywords target a broad pool of customers interested in a product category or type.
- Ads triggered by the keyword ‘shoes’ will be shown to the searcher.
- Ads featuring running shoes can be shown to the searcher.
- Ads featuring exactly the same pair of running shoes can be shown to the searcher.
- Standard campaign ads will be shown to searchers because they did not purchase the running shoes.