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Your click-through rate measures how many people click a link in your post. How do you calculate it?

  • Divide the total number of clicks on a link in a post by the total number of impressions
  • Divide the number of conversions you received against the number of clicks you received on your links
  • Divide the number of conversions you received against the total engagement rate
  • Divide the total number of clicks on a link in a post by the total reach

The correct answer is:

  • Divide the total number of clicks on a link in a post by the total number of impressions.
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You want to track sales and web traffic to better understand how your influencer campaigns are resonating with your audience. How do you do this?

  • Ensure you’re counting link clicks for each post
  • Ask influencer for engagement number on their post
  • Compare your sales against your competitors
  • Supply the influencer with UTM links to use

The correct answer is:

  • Supply the influencer with UTM links to use.
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Paid, owned, and earned media converge to compliment and bolster each other on social media. Which of the following are examples of how to implement converged media tactics in your social media strategy? (Choose Two Answers)

  • Paying for a series of video ads on YouTube
  • Creating brand new TikToks specifically for a holiday campaign
  • Paying to promote a customer’s post of them using your product
  • Sharing a positive customer testimonial on LinkedIn

The correct answer is:

  • Paying to promote a customer’s post of them using your product
  • Sharing a positive customer testimonial on LinkedIn
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A successful social media strategy is made up of three types of content – paid, owned and earned media. Which of the following are examples of owned media? (Choose Two Answers)

  • Any content that you have paid for an influencer to create and posted on your channel
  • User generated campaign content created and shared by brand advocates
  • Campaign images your team shot on location and published to branded accounts
  • Thought-leadership content created internally, hosted on your blog and shared on social

The correct answer is:

  • Campaign images your team shot on location and published to branded accounts
  • Thought-leadership content created internally, hosted on your blog and shared on social