- It helps advertisers maximize views.
- Its billing method is based on cost-per-view (CPV).
- It optimizes for impressions instead of views.
- It’s billed if the viewer watches 30 seconds of the ad.
- High audience attention
- Reach to outside sites
- High signal value
- Low skip rate
- The traffic sources report
- The inbound visitor report
- The mobile device report
- The viewer traffic report
- Over 55% of people search for a product on Google, then use YouTube to learn more about it before they purchase.
- Over 85% of people search for a product on Google, then use YouTube to learn more about it before they purchase.
- Over 65% of people search for a product on Google, then use YouTube to learn more about it before they purchase.
- Over 75% of people search for a product on Google, then use YouTube to learn more about it before they purchase.
- Engagement and drop-off
- Bounce rate and sessions
- Traffic source and device
- Date of visit and restarts
- User clicks on an element of the ad and converts within 24 hours.
- User sees just an impression of the ad and converts within three days.
- User sees just an impression of the ad and converts within 24 hours.
- User clicks on an element of the ad and converts within three days.
- User watches 10 seconds of the ad and converts within three days.
- User watches 10 seconds of the ad and converts within seven days.
- User watches the entirety of the ad and coverts within 30 days.
- User sees an impression of the ad and converts within 24 hours.
- Real-time views and watch-time
- Return visits and search history
- Ads chosen and replays
- Referrer and preferred category
- Ads that include the product on-screen had higher ad recall.
- Stronger brand response is found from ads that are viewable only, as compared to ads that are viewable and audible.
- Ads with a person speaking directly to camera had lower ad recall.
- Text slides, subtitles, and voiceovers are associated with higher brand awareness.
- Six-second ads on YouTube drove the same ad recall as 30-second versions on other sites.
- A home-decor advertiser who wants to reach people who recently bought a home.
- A real-estate advertiser who wants to reach people who recently graduated from medical school.
- A wedding-planner advertiser who wants to reach people currently researching wedding dresses.
- A fly-fishing advertiser who wants to reach people currently in the market for waders.
- A baking-supply company that wants to reach people in the market for mixers.