- Increasing the bid amount of the ad.
- Determining the location of users.
- Removing an asset from the ad.
- Improving the navigability of the landing page.
The correct answer is:
- Improving the navigability of the landing page.
- Discovery
- Search
- Video
- Shopping
- Display
The correct answer is:
- Country targets
- Device types
- Delivery times
- Default bid amount
The correct answer is:
- Country targets
- Default bid amount
- Performance Planner can integrate with additional budgeting software like QuickBooks.
- Performance Planner forecasting is driven by billions of Google searches conducted every week.
- Performance Planner can help you locate funds from other operational budgets so they can be allotted to marketing.
- Performance Planner relies on machine learning for forecasting purposes.
The correct answer is:
- Performance Planner forecasting is driven by billions of Google searches conducted every week.
- Performance Planner relies on machine learning for forecasting purposes.
- In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Select Publish campaign. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines.
- Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines. Select Publish campaign.
- Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Select Publish campaign. Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines.
- Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Select Publish campaign. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines.
- Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines. Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Select Publish campaign.
The correct answer is:
- Sign in to the Google Ads account where you wish to make the Search ad. In the page menu on the left of the screen, choose the + button. Choose your objective, select Search ad from the available options, and enter your campaign details. Review your campaign settings and ensure the ad meets Google’s editorial guidelines. Select Publish campaign.
- The ad will lead to a higher cost-per-click for the advertiser.
- The higher expected click-through rate will lead to a higher Ad Rank.
- The advertiser will receive more bids in the auction.
- The quality of the ad will ensure the ad’s cost-per-click will be reduced by at least 40%.
The correct answer is:
- The higher expected click-through rate will lead to a higher Ad Rank.
- Their ad is going to appear if the search terms contain all three of the exact keywords.
- Their ad is going to appear if the search terms are related to the keyword.
- Their ad is going to appear if the search terms have the same meaning as the keyword.
- Their ad is going to appear in the search terms include the meaning of the keyword.
The correct answer is:
- Their ad is going to appear if the search terms have the same meaning as the keyword.
- Industry data
- Account settings
- User generated scenarios
- Company sales figures
- Account executives
The correct answer is:
- Industry data
- Account settings
- Trusted, third-party tools are used to analyze and optimize campaigns.
- Through Google AI, marketers can forecast how conversions will be increased as a result of recommendations.
- The recommendations all show how they affect optimization score as a percentage.
- Comparable campaigns’ settings are cross-referenced with higher optimization scores.
The correct answer is:
- The recommendations all show how they affect optimization score as a percentage.
- With Google Ads, you always pay using cost-per-reach, predetermined by your budget.
- Google Ads saves you time by deciding what your budget will be on a daily basis.
- With Google Ads, you can choose a maximum amount to spend per month.
- With Google Ads, your ads will show up on every available search engine
The correct answer is:
- With Google Ads, you can choose a maximum amount to spend per month.