- It’s a powerful testing tool that helps boost campaign performance for a small additional cost.
- It’s a powerful testing tool that shows all users two versions of an ad so you know which people prefer.
- It’s a powerful testing tool that uses a simulated ad environment to determine which creative or audiences will perform best.
- It’s a powerful testing tool that lets you assess the effectiveness of creatives, audiences, or other variables.
- An image of your best-selling couch in a living room scene
- An image of someone sitting on your best-selling couch
- An image of your best-selling couch zoomed in so customers can see the fabric
- An image of your best-selling couch with a white background
- Remove the assets and add new ones that follow best practices even more closely.
- Replace all the assets at once so they can be distributed evenly.
- Remove the image assets so the campaign utilizes more video assets for a multi-sensory experience.
- Replace assets that have a low performance label in the asset report.
- It can make sure the ad only serves to users in Oregon.
- It can insert “Oregon” into every headline automatically.
- It can replace other locations in the campaign’s ad copy to “Oregon.”
- It can personalize the headline to an audience’s city within Oregon.
- Headlines should grab users’ attention and description lines should highlight the key features of the app.
- Headllines should include a call-to-action and description lines should include statistics about the app’s popularity.
- Headlines should state only the name of the app and description lines should aim to educate and inform.
- Headlines should focus on highlighting the key features of the app and description lines should aim to educate and inform.
- Set up the problem the product solves and include a brand logo.
- Use tightly framed product shots with audio brand mentions.
- Focus only on the brand logo and audio, and showcase the product after the first five seconds.
- Use tightly framed product shots without audio to avoid overwhelming viewers.
- Convey multiple messages to resonate with the masses.
- Leverage key differentiators such as competitive claims and endorsements.
- Set the context and include a clear call-to-action.
- Brand often, especially in the last five seconds.
- Quarterly
- Bi-weekly
- Monthly
- Daily
- Set the context and include a clear call-to-action.
- Focus on audio and supers to reinforce your message.
- Include a clear call-to-action with minimal audio to avoid overwhelming viewers.
- Focus on people to get the product noticed.