- An image of someone holding a phone with the app on-screen and a logo overlayed
- A headline that states the name of the app and a call-to-action to download
- A screen-capture video of someone using the software to fill out their tax return
- A video that tells a complete story, including the user’s tax problem and how the app solves it
- {keyword: sustainable} shirts
- {keyword: cotton and linen shirts}
- {keyword: cotton and linen} shirts
- {keyword: sustainable shirts}
- Framing and supers
- Pacing and framing
- Supers and audio
- Pacing and supers
- Set the context and include a clear call-to-action.
- Leverage key differentiators such as competitive claims and endorsements.
- Convey multiple messages to resonate with the masses.
- Brand often, especially in the last five seconds.
- Only your main website photo
- Images of tourists enjoying their tour in scenic locations
- Only your best-performing image from social media
- Images of tourists in locations both on and off the tour
- Avoid humor as it’s more subjective.
- Showcase discounts and sales to drive interest.
- Humanize the story.
- Convey multiple messages to resonate with the masses.
- Remove supers so they don’t compete with the audio.
- Add closed captions since most viewers will watch with sound off.
- Increase the pace and tighten the framing.
- Lower the brightness to optimize for mobile device viewing.
- Test multiple creatives against two important audience segments.
- Test the same creative against two important audience segments.
- Test multiple creatives against one important audience segment.
- Test one creative against all important audience segments.
- Set up the problem the product solves and include a brand logo.
- Focus only on the brand logo and audio, and showcase the product after the first five seconds.
- Use tightly framed product shots with audio brand mentions.
- Use tightly framed product shots without audio to avoid overwhelming viewers.
- Compare how two key audiences respond to two different video ads.
- Compare how the same ad performs on TV compared to YouTube.
- Compare the performance of existing TV creative to that of ABCDs-optimized creative.
- Compare how the same audience responds to the same ad at different points in time.