Category HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Exam Answer

True or False? CMS migrations, implementations, and website redesigns should all be focused on the experience of the front-end developer. As long as you meet the clients’ developers’ needs, you’ll automatically satisfy the marketers and other personas on the client’s team.

True False Download HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Certification Answers [100%…

Read MoreTrue or False? CMS migrations, implementations, and website redesigns should all be focused on the experience of the front-end developer. As long as you meet the clients’ developers’ needs, you’ll automatically satisfy the marketers and other personas on the client’s team.

Scenario: You finished the migration for the client successfully a week ago, but site metrics are lower than pre-migration levels, even after checking for seasonal factors, UX issues, etc. You finally discover that a technical step was missed by your firm’s implementation team. What should you do?

No need to say anything or alarm the client. Fix…

Read MoreScenario: You finished the migration for the client successfully a week ago, but site metrics are lower than pre-migration levels, even after checking for seasonal factors, UX issues, etc. You finally discover that a technical step was missed by your firm’s implementation team. What should you do?

Scenario: You are based in Boston, MA, but most of your customers are based in Mumbai, India. Which of the following steps should your firm take, in terms of following CMS migration launch best practices?

You should launch the site outside your own business hours…

Read MoreScenario: You are based in Boston, MA, but most of your customers are based in Mumbai, India. Which of the following steps should your firm take, in terms of following CMS migration launch best practices?

True or False? Technical leads, front-end developers, and other technical experts should NOT be joining sales calls. They are not trained to support sales professionals, and this isn’t a part of their job description.

True False Download HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Certification Answers [100%…

Read MoreTrue or False? Technical leads, front-end developers, and other technical experts should NOT be joining sales calls. They are not trained to support sales professionals, and this isn’t a part of their job description.