Category HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Exam Answer

Scenario: Your prospect has specific questions about key functionalities in the HubSpot CMS, based on their poor experience with their previous CMS. Which of the following is the best way to win their trust?

Always discuss the flywheel rather than answering their product questions…

Read MoreScenario: Your prospect has specific questions about key functionalities in the HubSpot CMS, based on their poor experience with their previous CMS. Which of the following is the best way to win their trust?

Scenario: You’ve completed every stage of a CMS migration project for a client, but they’re requesting a little more of your time for training or educating their team on how to use the tool. Because their team is particularly new to HubSpot, they need a little more help before they’re ready to be self-sufficient. What should you do?

Give them the HubSpot Support phone number. Once your project…

Read MoreScenario: You’ve completed every stage of a CMS migration project for a client, but they’re requesting a little more of your time for training or educating their team on how to use the tool. Because their team is particularly new to HubSpot, they need a little more help before they’re ready to be self-sufficient. What should you do?

True or False? If your client owns a small business of under 100 employees, they don’t need to worry about adhering to GDPR regulations in their website redesign. It applies mainly to large multinational corporations.

True False Download HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Certification Answers [100%…

Read MoreTrue or False? If your client owns a small business of under 100 employees, they don’t need to worry about adhering to GDPR regulations in their website redesign. It applies mainly to large multinational corporations.

True or False? “Content creators should work exclusively with the front-end developer to build content in alignment with the back-end developer’s defined content architecture, including building out individual pages, blogs, and other user-facing content.”

True False Download HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Certification Answers [100%…

Read MoreTrue or False? “Content creators should work exclusively with the front-end developer to build content in alignment with the back-end developer’s defined content architecture, including building out individual pages, blogs, and other user-facing content.”

True or False?: “You should NEVER make a copy of your entire old site on a new server on a separate domain/subdomain for easy comparison later. If hackers get access to the copy of your site, you risk the safety and security of your entire web redesign process. Furthermore, the copy site can jeopardize your SEO.”

True False Download HubSpot CMS Hub Implementation Certification Answers [100%…

Read MoreTrue or False?: “You should NEVER make a copy of your entire old site on a new server on a separate domain/subdomain for easy comparison later. If hackers get access to the copy of your site, you risk the safety and security of your entire web redesign process. Furthermore, the copy site can jeopardize your SEO.”