- Name your order.
- Copy your attribution tag to append on your ad as the click-through URL.
- Generate a report to validate that you are measuring all your ad’s clicks correctly.
- Create line items, which generates attribution tags that are placed on ads.
- Add to cart rates of select products.
- Impressions from your ad campaign.
- Amazon Attribution metrics that correspond only to the specific ASINs associated to an Order and its attribution tags.
- Detail page views of all products.
- It is not possible to calculate Return on ad spend and other cost based metrics.
- Return on ad spend and other cost based metrics are available within your Amazon Attribution console.
- Calculate cost efficiency metrics, such as Return on ad spend, Cost per purchase, and Cost per DPV, by exporting your Amazon Attribution reporting and adding in your media cost offline.
- Register for Amazon Attribution cost reports.
- Click-through rate
- Detail page views, Detail Page view rate, Add to carts, Add to cart rate
- Total DPVs, Total DPVR, Total Add to carts, Total ATCR
- Impressions
- None of these.
- Focus on your ads that help drive the least expensive cost per ATC, and invest less in ads that help drive the highest cost per ATC.
- Focus on your ads that help drive the highest total ATCR and invest less in ads that contribute the lowest ATCR.
- Focus on your ads that help drive the lowest ATCR, but drive higher DPVR
- A percentage chance of a shopper purchasing the product when they click on your ad.
- An understanding of initial awareness for your product from your advertising campaign.
- Understand how many add to carts, on average, shoppers make after viewing or clicking on your ads.
- Understand how many product page views, on average, customers shoppers visit after viewing or clicking on your ads.
- Keyword creative report
- Summary report
- Performance report
- Order summary report