Posted on October 5, 2022TrueView in-stream and TrueView discovery ads can be bought on a cost-per-view (CPV). TrueView for reach is billed by CPM on impression. Which TrueView ad format is billed by cost-per-acquisition (CPA)? TrueView discoveryTrueView for actionTrueView for reachTrueView in-streamPost navigationPrevious post: Dan owns a farm supply store that sells plows to farmers. His suppliers released a new plow, and he wants to get the word out to his existing customers using Google Ads. He’s got the information needed to create a Customer Match audience, but he’s not sure where he needs to upload this information. Where does Dan upload customer information, such as e-mail addresses, to start the Customer Match process?Next post: Ryan manages YouTube campaigns for a client who’s interested in how engaged his viewers are with his content. He’d really like to know when they’re dropping off, to make his calls-to-action are visible. Which YouTube Analytics report did Ryan share with his client?