- Reach
- Audience Growth Rate
- Engagement Rate
- Impressions
The correct answer is:
- Monthly or quarterly
- Yearly or bi-annuallly
- Bi-annually or biennially
- Daily or weekly
The correct answer is:
- It allows you post content immediately without much effort
- It cements your reputation as a pro in your field
- It allow you to diversify your content collection quickly
- You can always be sure that it’s tonally and visually consistent with your brand voice
The correct answer is:
- It allow you to diversify your content collection quickly.
- If the content is being shared across other popular social accounts
- If the content deviates from your created brand content or voice.
- If the content has never been shared before and has viral potential
- If the content aligns with your content pillars relevant key topics
The correct answer is:
- If the content aligns with your content pillars relevant key topics.
- By cross-posting external content across your platforms
- By posting created content alongside external content
- By dressing external content in your brands own perspective
- By paying to have external content boosted across your platforms
The correct answer is:
- By cross-posting external content across your platforms
- By dressing external content in your brands own perspective
- When your team is available
- When your audience is online
- When popular holidays occour
- When your competitors post
The correct answer is:
- When your audience is online.
- Choose a creative username, so people don’t confuse your brand with
- Choose a username that includes relevant keywords, and include them in your bio.
- Add links to your website, blog, e-commerce shop, and relevant online properties.
- Include your address or city if location is important to your
The correct answer is:
- Choose a username that includes relevant keywords, and include them in your bio.
- Add links to your website, blog, e-commerce shop, and relevant online properties.
- Include your address or city if location is important to your
- Use at least 15 hashtags to hit various niches and groups
- Encourage people to share your content in your post
- Include keywords in post copy
- Include brand specific hashtags in your post copy
The correct answer is:
- Encourage people to share your content in your post
- Include keywords in post copy
- Include brand specific hashtags in your post copy
- Your platform data
- Your strategic goals
- Your allocated budget
- Your audience activity
The correct answer is:
- Your platform data
- Your strategic goals
- Your audience activity
- A product update
- A holiday feature
- A new co-worker spotlight
- A brand FAQ
The correct answer is: