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You’re a remote social media coordinator, and crisis strikes. Your direct manager is on leave, and you don’t know who to escalate it to. What do you need?

  • A short screen break to regroup and think about next steps
  • The chain of command and key contacts list for stakeholders
  • A social media management tool to shut down branded social accounts
  • Access to the company-wide slack channel to post an update

The correct answer is:

  • The chain of command and key contacts list for stakeholders.
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Which of the following are best practices for responding to a social media crisis? (Choose Three Answers)

  • Review how competitors are handling the situation and follow suit
  • Listen to what your audience is saying for insight into sentiment
  • Pause all outgoing content to review it for anything obsolete or tonedeaf
  • Review and update social profiles to highlight any changes

The correct answer is:

  • Listen to what your audience is saying for insight into sentiment
  • Pause all outgoing content to review it for anything obsolete or tonedeaf
  • Review and update social profiles to highlight any changes
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A new social media platform is gaining popularity, and you’re considering joining it. Your audience uses it, and you know you can provide value to them… But you’re worried the time and resource investment will take away from your existing channels, and you’re not sure if it will sufficiently support your objectives. What’s the best path forward?

  • Don’t join the platform if you’re not sure it’s a good fit
  • Ask your team what they like and dislike about it
  • Dive in and join the platform, add it to your strategy
  • Join the platform and test it, to see if it works

The correct answer is:

  • Join the platform and test it, to see if it works.
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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a more defined target for your team to track progress towards objectives. If your objective is to increase link clicks by 20% on LinkedIn, what should be the corresponding KPI?

  • Increase comments by 5% on LinkedIn posts weekly
  • Generate 20 additional landing page views via LinkedIn weekly
  • Pitch to leadership for a budget increase of 15% for the campaign
  • Join a new social media network to increase brand reach

The correct answer is:

  • Generate 20 additional landing page views via LinkedIn weekly.
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How will creating a calendar of key dates for your campaign planning benefit your team? (Choose Two Answers)

  • It will help them stay ahead of essential dates
  • It will help them track performance metrics
  • It will help them prevent scheduling conflicts
  • It will help them plot out posts across networks

The correct answer is:

  • It will help them stay ahead of essential dates
  • It will help them prevent scheduling conflicts