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Your company is running an activewear campaign that includes several Programmatic Guaranteed deals that are frequency managed at the campaign level. You noticed in Display & Video 360 that one of your deals passed on 10,000 bid requests. What does this mean for your campaign?

  • It allows you to decrease your campaign unique reach.
  • It allows you to reinvest your budget to reach new users.
  • It allows you to decrease impressions in certain regions.
  • It allows you to increase ad exposure to the same users.
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A marketer created a line item in Display & Video 360 for a mobile web campaign accidentally targeted mobile in-app. To correct this, the marketer removed the mobile in-app targeting at the insertion order level. Why would the campaign continue to target mobile in-app?

  • Modifying targeting once line items are assigned to a campaign can’t be done.
  • Modifying insertion order targeting at the line item level can’t be done.
  • Modifying targeting for mobile in-app inventory can’t be done.
  • Modifying existing line item targeting at the insertion order level can’t be done.
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You’ve just launched a Programmatic Guaranteed deal with a top sports brand. The campaign was supposed to go live today, but in Display & Video 360 you see that no impressions ran and no spend was reported. What’s the first thing you should do within the Deal Troubleshooter?

  • Check that your deal complies with publishers.
  • Check for potential reach issues.
  • Check for incoming bid requests.
  • Check the line item for potential targeting issues.
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You’re working on a non-guaranteed deal, and your colleague recommends bidding 20% higher than the floor price. In which situation would you consider doing this?

  • Forecasting impression levels for a new campaign next month.
  • Choosing the most relevant inventory for your campaign while negotiating a deal.
  • Uploading a single creative to multiple line items in a campaign.
  • Seeing which insertion order is under-pacing in a campaign.