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What is a primary usage of the UNION ALL function in AMC queries?
To group records based on a specified field To unify…
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To group records based on a specified field To unify…
Through the APIs or CLI Through the UI or the…
True False The correct answer is: True
Ad-relevant conversions with a 28-day lookback window Ad-relevant conversions with…
The query requires a WHERE clause to specify the relevant…
(SUM(total_cost)/100000)/(SUM(impressions))*1000 AS avg_cpm ((SUM(spend)/100000000)/SUM(impressions))*1000 AS avg_cpm ((SUM(total_cost)/100000)/SUM(impressions))/1000 AS avg_cpm The…
Queries can be uploaded by AMC users and saved for…
conversions_with_relevance amazon_attributed_events_* dsp_impressions_by_user_segments sponsored_ads_traffic The correct answer is: conversions_with_relevance
Instructional queries Paid features Instance info Query editor The correct…
True False The correct answer is: False